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The ridiculously simple way to set your marketing on autopilot

Instantly Trigger Drip Campaigns From Your Phone or Dashboard or CRM

For less than a cup of coffee.
Say Hello to Automation!

Over 100,000+ touches generated by PRINTgenie per day


Mobile App - Mail in your pocket

Driving for dollars in any industry is a breeze. Simply click on an property to see the owner's listings. With just a click you can find their phone number and email.

  • Send a single Postcard or Letter.

  • Take a photo and send a photo postcard or letter.

  • Use Google Street View's Photo.

  • Add any name to a list.

  • Add any name to a list and deploy a campaign.

  • Send a multi-channel campaign that includes automated direct mail, text and email.

  • Unlimited owner lookups.

  • Skip Trace for only .59

  • Postcards start at $.43ea.

  • Letters start at $.76 (FC mail)

No minimums. Simply add as little as one and an entire campaign can run for as long as you wish.


Add as little as one name to any campaign!

No minimums! - Send as little as 1


Android coming soon


Sending multichannel communications over time is the only way to get a qualified response!

Search and find any U.S. property

Simply stand in front of any property in the United States and we'll show you the Property's details. Our GPS will know exactly where you are. Simply drag the pin anywhere you wish.

If you prefer, simply type in the address in the search bar. Only the street number and name are required. We'll know the rest of the address.

For your convenience, we'll show you either a "Hybrid" view or "Satellite" view.

We'll automatically show you the property street view to confirm it's what you are looking for. Simply "Confirm Address" to see more details.


Owner details are just a click away

PRINTgenie has over 190 million US addresses available for you to search. With the click of a button we'll give you complete details on the following criteria.

Property Location

Property Details

Property Structure

Property Value

Property Taxes

No longer do you have to search the county recorders office or pay for data. Simply click and view all the details of the property.

*Note - If the property is not lived in by the owner, we'll search their contact and mailing information. We call these properties "Absentee Owners" -   Whereas you would not want to communicate to the "renter" - you'd want the owners information.

Snap a photo or use Google Street View

PRINTgenie's versatile phone app allows you to either take your own photo our use Google's Street View. It's your choice. 

Our advanced technology will recognize that you wanted to use a photo and therefore display only those mail templates good for a photo. Our magic little green box knows where to place the photo. We'll make it fit just perfectly. 

If you want to make your own, you can. Simply build your own postcards or letters. Place the magic box anywhere you'd like!


"I opened up the PRINTgenie app and within 2 minutes was sending a Driving For Dollar campaign that had 3 letters and 2 postcards.  It cost $2.88...  This is ridiculously cheap!

Brandon K, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Start your FREE trial on PRINTgenie and instantly set your marketing on auto-pilot

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